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people [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈpiːpəl/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈpipəl/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(pēpəl) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 From person (n): peoplenpl personsnpl (Mainly used in formal or legal contexts) Inflections of 'people' (v): (⇒ conjugate)peoplesv 3rd person singular peoplingv pres p peopledv past peopledv past p 本页中: people, person'people'与'person'相互参照。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。'people' is cross-referenced with 'person'. It is in one or more of the lines below.

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 people npl (persons)SCSimplified Chinese 人 rén TCTraditional Chinese 人   SCSimplified Chinese 人们 rén,rén men TCTraditional Chinese 人們   SCSimplified Chinese 大家 rén,dà jiā TCTraditional Chinese 大家  There were lots of people at the beach. Twenty people were injured in the car crash.  海边人很多。车祸中有20人受伤。  这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我不在乎人们怎么看我。 people npl (inhabitants)SCSimplified Chinese 居民 jū mín TCTraditional Chinese 居民  I call on the people of this town to vote against the measure!  我号召本镇居民投票,反对这一措施! (the) people npl (citizens)SCSimplified Chinese 公民 gōng mín TCTraditional Chinese 公民   SCSimplified Chinese 人民 gōng mín,rén mín TCTraditional Chinese 人民   SCSimplified Chinese 国民 gōng mín,guó mín TCTraditional Chinese 國民  The constitution was written by the people and for the people.  宪法是由人民所编、为人民服务的。 the people npl (general public)SCSimplified Chinese 民众 mín zhòng TCTraditional Chinese 民眾   SCSimplified Chinese 大众 mín zhòng,dà zhòng TCTraditional Chinese 大眾  He's a leader who likes to address the people regularly.  他是一名喜欢经常向民众讲话的领导。 people npl (indefinite group)SCSimplified Chinese 人 rén TCTraditional Chinese 人   SCSimplified Chinese 人类 rén,rén lèi TCTraditional Chinese 人類  People can be so stupid!  人有时候真是愚蠢! people, plural: peoples n countable (nation, cultural group)SCSimplified Chinese 民族,种族 mín zú,zhǒng zú TCTraditional Chinese 民族,種族   SCSimplified Chinese 某国人,国民,人民 mǒu guó rén,guó mín,rén mín TCTraditional Chinese 國民,人民  The Romans were a militaristic people.  罗马是一个崇尚军国主义的民族。  这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 意大利人的热情是出了名的。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 people n (subordinates)SCSimplified Chinese 下属 xià shǔ   SCSimplified Chinese 属下 xià shǔ ,shǔ xià  As a boss he's always indulgent towards his people.  作为一个老板,他总是对下属很宽容。 people n (ancestors)SCSimplified Chinese 先辈 xiān bèi  His people came from Eastern Europe.  他的先辈来自于欧洲东部。 people n figurative (beings, creatures)SCSimplified Chinese 动物 dòng wù TCTraditional Chinese 動物   SCSimplified Chinese 生物 dòng wù,shēng wù TCTraditional Chinese 生物  Be kind to the furry people who share these woods with us.  请善待与我们共享这片森林的动物们。 people n informal (relatives)SCSimplified Chinese 亲戚 qīn qi TCTraditional Chinese 親戚   SCSimplified Chinese 亲属 qīn qi,qīn shǔ TCTraditional Chinese 親屬  She's having her people over this Christmas.  她的亲戚会在圣诞节时来拜访她。 people [sth]⇒ vtr (populate)SCSimplified Chinese 居住在 jū zhù zài   SCSimplified Chinese 居住于 jū zhù zài,jū zhù yú TCTraditional Chinese 居住於  They wanted immigrants to come and people the state.  他们希望移民能来这个州居住。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 person, plural: people n (human being) (复数为people)SCSimplified Chinese 人 rén TCTraditional Chinese 人  Which person are you talking about? The mother or the daughter?  你在说谁?母亲还是女儿? person, plural: persons n (law: juristic person) (法律)SCSimplified Chinese 法人 fǎ rén TCTraditional Chinese 法人  All persons having anything to do with this case should remain in court.  与该案有关的所有人都要留在法庭内。 person n (grammar) (语法)SCSimplified Chinese 人称 rén chēng TCTraditional Chinese 人稱  The third person singular of the present tense of "to be" is "is".  “To be”的现在时的第三人称单数形式是“is”。 person n (body)SCSimplified Chinese 身体 shēn tǐ TCTraditional Chinese 身體  She doesn't like it when you touch her person.  她不喜欢你碰她的身体。 person, plural: persons, people n (literature, theater: character) (文学作品、戏剧)SCSimplified Chinese 人物,人 rén wù,rén TCTraditional Chinese 人物,人  The play is about five persons on a desert island.  这出戏剧讲述了五个人物在一个荒岛上的故事。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 person n (philosophy: rational being) (哲学)SCSimplified Chinese 有理性的独立个体,理性存在 yǒu lǐ xìng de dú lì gè tǐ,lǐ xìng cún zài  A person differs from an animal or object in his or her ability to reason.  人类作为理性存在,与动物或一般事物的区别就在于人类具有判断力。 person n (law: natural person) (法律)SCSimplified Chinese 自然人 zì rán rén TCTraditional Chinese 自然人  All companies and persons are subject to the regulation. person n with defining word (someone who likes [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 像...的人   SCSimplified Chinese 犹如...的人  My colleague is a dog person, but I'm more of a cat person. person n with defining word (someone who is good at [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 擅长...的人   SCSimplified Chinese 精通...的人  You'll have to ask Jane about that; she's our numbers person.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:people | person英语中文 the beautiful people npl (privileged few)SCSimplified Chinese 名流 míng liú   SCSimplified Chinese 贵族 míng liú,guì zú TCTraditional Chinese 貴族  Usually magazines only show the beautiful people.  通常,杂志仅刊登名流的照片。 businessperson, plural: businesspeople n (commercial executive)SCSimplified Chinese 商人 shāng rén TCTraditional Chinese 商人   SCSimplified Chinese 经营者 shāng rén,jīng yíng zhě TCTraditional Chinese 經營者   SCSimplified Chinese 生意人 shāng rén,shēng yì rén caveperson, cave person, plural: cavepeople, cave people n (prehistoric human)SCSimplified Chinese 洞穴人   SCSimplified Chinese 史前人类 shǐ qián rén lèi TCTraditional Chinese 史前人類 chosen people npl (privileged few)SCSimplified Chinese 选出来的人员 xuǎn chū lái de rén yuán   SCSimplified Chinese 有特权的少数人 xuǎn chū lái de rén yuán,yǒu tè quán de shǎo shù rén common people npl (ordinary folk)SCSimplified Chinese 普通人 pǔ tōng rén   SCSimplified Chinese 大众 pǔ tōng rén,dà zhòng TCTraditional Chinese 大眾   SCSimplified Chinese 老百姓 pǔ tōng rén,lǎo bǎi xìng TCTraditional Chinese 老百姓  They don't stand out for any particular reason; they're just common people.  他们没有什么特别的地方,只是平头老百姓。 the common people npl (working classes)SCSimplified Chinese 劳动人民 láo dòng rén mín TCTraditional Chinese 勞動人民   SCSimplified Chinese 蓝领阶级 láo dòng rén mín,lán lǐng jiē jí  "God must have loved the common people, he made so many of them." - Abraham Lincoln  "上帝必定非常喜爱普通人,所以才造就了这么多普通人。" - 亚伯拉罕·林肯 displaced person, plural: displaced persons, displaced people n often plural (refugee, [sb] driven from homeland)SCSimplified Chinese 难民 nàn mín TCTraditional Chinese 難民   SCSimplified Chinese 逃离家园的人  There are 60 million displaced people in the world. for the people adj (populist, popular)SCSimplified Chinese 为了大众,代表人民,平民主义的  Politicians always tell us they are for the people. good people npl (honest, kind people)SCSimplified Chinese 好人 hǎo rén TCTraditional Chinese 好人   SCSimplified Chinese 善良友好的人 hǎo rén,shàn liáng yǒu hǎo de rén  My neighbors are good people, always helping others and never taking what is not theirs. good people npl uncountable, slang (honest, kind person)SCSimplified Chinese 好人 hǎo rén TCTraditional Chinese 好人   SCSimplified Chinese 善良的人  You can depend on Jack; he's good people. important person, plural: important people n (prominent individual)SCSimplified Chinese 重要人物 zhòng yào rén wù   SCSimplified Chinese 大人物 zhòng yào rén wù,dà rén wù  When I asked why the street was blocked off the officer explained that some "important person" was due to arrive. little people npl (imaginary creatures)SCSimplified Chinese 小精灵 xiǎo jīng líng TCTraditional Chinese 小精靈   SCSimplified Chinese 小仙子 xiǎo jīng líng,xiǎo xiān zi little people npl (the common people, workers)SCSimplified Chinese 小人物 xiǎo rén wù   SCSimplified Chinese 小老百姓 little people npl (midgets or dwarfs)SCSimplified Chinese 小个子 xiǎo gè zi   SCSimplified Chinese 矮个子 xiǎo gè zi,ǎi gè zi little people npl (small children)SCSimplified Chinese 小孩 xiǎo hái TCTraditional Chinese 小孩   SCSimplified Chinese 小人儿 local people npl (residents of a given area)SCSimplified Chinese 当地人 dāng dì rén TCTraditional Chinese 當地人  The local people are very friendly to visitors. many people n (a large number of individuals)SCSimplified Chinese 很多人 hěn duō rén  Many people believe that aliens exist. native people npl (indigenous inhabitants)SCSimplified Chinese 原住民 yuán zhù mín old people npl (elderly persons)SCSimplified Chinese 老人 lǎo rén TCTraditional Chinese 老人   SCSimplified Chinese 老年人 lǎo rén,lǎo nián rén old-people's home n potentially offensive (nursing home) (可能具有冒犯性)SCSimplified Chinese 养老院 yǎng lǎo yuàn TCTraditional Chinese 養老院 ordinary people n (general public)SCSimplified Chinese 老百姓 lǎo bǎi xìng TCTraditional Chinese 老百姓   SCSimplified Chinese 普通大众 lǎo bǎi xìng,pǔ tōng dà zhòng TCTraditional Chinese 普通大眾  We like to think our celebrities are not ordinary people. party people npl (hedonists)SCSimplified Chinese 派对动物 people at large n (general public)SCSimplified Chinese 普通大众 pǔ tōng dà zhòng TCTraditional Chinese 普通大眾 people carrier n UK (large saloon car)SCSimplified Chinese 面包车,多用途客车 people in need npl (poverty, disaster, etc.) (穷人、灾民等)SCSimplified Chinese 需要帮助的人 people person n informal ([sb] who gets on well with others) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 人缘好的人,善于交际的人 rén yuán hǎo de rén,shàn yú jiāo jì de rén  John's a real people person: he can chat to anyone. people pleaser n ([sb] who wants to make others happy)SCSimplified Chinese 讨好者   SCSimplified Chinese 喜欢取悦他人的人 people power n (community action)SCSimplified Chinese 人民力量 people skills npl (ability to communicate)SCSimplified Chinese 交际能力 jiāo jì néng lì TCTraditional Chinese 交際能力   SCSimplified Chinese 人际沟通技巧 jiāo jì néng lì,rén jì gōu tōng jì qiǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 交际技巧 jiāo jì néng lì,jiāo jì jì qiǎo  Dealing with patients calls for people skills. people trafficking n (illegal trade in human beings)SCSimplified Chinese 贩卖人口   SCSimplified Chinese 拐卖人口 people-watch⇒ vi (observe what the public are doing)SCSimplified Chinese 观察人 people-watching n (observing the public)SCSimplified Chinese 观察民众  An outdoor café is ideal for people-watching. Power to the people! interj (left-wing slogan)SCSimplified Chinese 权力属于人民! the right people npl informal (useful contacts, those with power) (因有用或有权势)SCSimplified Chinese 值得结交的人  To get ahead in this business you need to know the right people. Sami, Sami people npl (northern Scandinavian people)SCSimplified Chinese 萨米人 stream of people n figurative (continuous rush of people)SCSimplified Chinese 人流 rén liú TCTraditional Chinese 人流  A steady stream of people came out of the stadium. street people n (homeless people)SCSimplified Chinese 无家可归的人 wú jiā kě guī de rén   SCSimplified Chinese 流落街头的人 street people n (street performers)SCSimplified Chinese 街头艺人 jiē tóu yì rén TCTraditional Chinese 街頭藝人 street people n (people often on streets of place)SCSimplified Chinese 街头潮人 street person, plural: street people n (homeless individual)SCSimplified Chinese 街头流浪汉  They didn't choose to be street people: they just don't have a home to go to. top people npl informal (most skilled experts) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 高端人才,高端专家 gāo duān rén cái,gāo duān zhuān jiā 备注: Usually preceded by a possessive We have our top people working on the web site. wealthy person, plural: wealthy people, the wealthy n ([sb] rich)SCSimplified Chinese 有钱人 yǒu qián rén TCTraditional Chinese 有錢人  A lot of wealthy people live in this part of town. young person, plural: young people n often pl (youth, adolescent)SCSimplified Chinese 青少年 qīng shào nián  Most movies today are targeted towards young people.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: people [ˈpiːpl] I n pl 1 (=individuals) 人 rén There were 120 people at the lecture.120人去听(聽)了讲(講)座。 Yībǎi èishí rén qù tīngle jiǎngzuò. 2 (generalizing) 人们(們) rénmen There has been a complete change in people's ideas on the subject.人们(們)完全改变(變)了对(對)这(這)个(個)问(問)题(題)的看法。 Rénmen wánquán gǎibiànle duì zhège wèntí de kànfǎ. 3 ▶ the people (=ordinary people) 人民 rénmín a rift between the people and their leadership人民和领(領)导(導)层(層)的不和 rénmín hé lǐngdǎocéng de bùhé (Pol) 国(國)民 guómín II n [c] (=nation, race) 民族 mínzú [个 gè] the native peoples of Central America中美洲的土著民族 Zhōngměizhōu de tǔzhù mínzú III vt (=populate) 居住于(於) jūzhù yú old people 老人 lǎorén young people 年轻(輕)人 niánqīngrén many people许(許)多人 xǔduō rén people say that…有人说(說)… yǒurén shuō… a man of the people同人民打成一片的人 tóng rénmín dǎ chéng yīpiàn de rén 在这些条目还发现'people': 在英文解释里: a deux - ableism - ableist - afar - age bracket - age group - aged - aggregation - amok - ancient - any - Aragonese - ask around - assemblage - assemble - assembled - assembly - associate - awash - Aztec - bad - Bantu - be of one mind - before an audience - better off - bevy - billion - birds of a feather - Birds of a feather flock together - black - black book - blind - bossiness - brain drain - brave - British - bubble - bunch - Burgundian - Burmese - busload - bustle - bustling - busy - by a majority - cadre - capacity - care assistant - cattle - chamber of commerce 中文: 人们 - 人民 - 丁 - 三民主义 - 严 - 中国人民 - 临 - 乔 - 人 - 人大 - 人头 - 人山人海 - 人心 - 人民代表大会 - 人民公社 - 人民内部矛盾 - 人民军队 - 人民出版社 - 人民大会堂 - 人民委员会 - 人民战争 - 人民政府 - 人民日报 - 人民武装 - 人民民主专政 - 人民法院 - 人际 - 何 - 作威作福 - 傅 - 党 - 全民所有制 - 兰 - 冒 - 农村人民公社 - 冯 - 凌 - 分头 - 刘 - 南 - 卜 - 卢 - 古人 - 司马 - 吕 - 吴 - 员 - 周 - 咸 - 哗众取宠 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, PET Vocabulary List - P, 更多……同义词: humankind, humanity, humans, human beings, the human race, 更多……习惯性搭配: the [town, village] was peopled by the [workers, miners, students], [ordinary, normal, black, white] people, people [skills, management], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'people' 的论坛讨论:

a dirty person (who has sex with many people) a perfect intuition about people and sheep Are all Chinese people good looking? Brazilians are very warm people Bring people closer together Can people in the Mainland understand Taiwan TV drama? Do a higher number (or percentage) of people in Hong Kong speak English or Mandarin? Do many people still listen to traditional music in China nowadays? Feed five people with the food of three people for people, the violent swings in and out of isolation For what purposes do people still use Hanja in South Korea? Free Spanish courses for foreign people I am so full of colors that they are all confused. People only see one. I came to a land without a people for a people without a land I like people of all nationalities I've met quite a few people from Shandong before! if two people are meant to be together eventually they'll find their way back In your opinion, where do people speak the most standard Mandarin? Is learning hangul as easy as people say? It’s all the people moving in on it Marriage is a promise of love between two people Omission of 个 for large numbers of people One by one (referring to people) People have different opinions about the French immersion program. People here still feel pride because they live in such a harsh place, part of the glamorous cowboy past, and they are determined not to be the victim promote ... as role models, teach people to accept failure as part of learning Some people prefer watching movies to TV series, since they (TV series) take so long to watch. Sometimes people come up to me speaking Chinese makes me feel embarrassed because I don't know if people understand my accent teaching people to read 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'people'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "people" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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